Incredible India: A Four Part Series
  • Just when you start to lose focus, life has a way of showing you what is truly important.

Starting 2017 by traveling to a place that I have never been before was more symbolic to me than functional. Sure, I love to travel, but I needed to find something and give myself some much-needed courage to continue to be myself and chase after the things that make me, me. Too many events had occurred in 2016 that made me want to meet strangers and broaden my horizon. Perhaps looking to get some faith back in the world.  

I went to LAX, got on my Emirates flight(wonderful airline, by the way) and looked around me. There wasn't a single person that I knew and I was fine with that. I quickly made friends with the people sitting next to me. For some odd reason, something on my face says, "talk to me, I would love to know your life story!" The good thing is... I would. One of the men sitting next to me is a professor/consultant/historian/chemical engineer/real estate agent that was on his way to see his engineer/personal trainer brother in Dubai. So needless to say, we had an interesting conversation about all things "life." Naturally, a 16 hour flight gives you lots of time to think and take inventory of the preceding year and I couldn't help but to realize that there were some fundamental things that needed to change in order for this year to leave me more fulfilled. A big part of that goal would be my destination, India.

This trip changed me in a way that I did not expect. My original thoughts on traveling to India involved some self-discovery, but I really wanted to experience the food and the culture and take myself out of my usual level of comfort (pun intended). However, this adventure turned into so much more and that was due to the kindness and open arms that I was met with by my friends' families and strangers alike. People that didn't have to be kind to me, but chose to be. I left India feeling as though, more than ticking another destination off of the bucket list, that I had gained another home and another family to call my own. This was a priceless and overwhelming realization. It's not only blood that makes people family and at times, even your blood relations can painfully let you down. The importance of not only knowing yourself and being happy, but fostering relationships that mattered was the overall theme of this trip.

For my next few posts, I will be focusing on varying aspects of Delhi. These include:  

  • Atmosphere- The sights and sounds of the city and how I felt being there.
  • People- The wonderful people I met and those that I didn't. The stark differences you see everywhere you look in manner and quality of life.
  • Culture- The history and diversity of Delhi that contribute to one of the most unique experiences you can have.
  • Food- Oh, don't get me started on the food...actually do. However, you'll have to wait until my post on the Indian cuisine. **Spoiler alert** I was in heaven!

So stay tuned and check back for my next posts, including lots of pictures and tips!

India wine cellar