Why I travel...

Travel far enough, you meet yourself. - Cloud Atlas

There is a magical feeling that I get when I step off the plane and hear a language that I cannot understand. Travel has gone from being this occasional adventure that I go on, to being this drug that I can't get enough of. I need it and I crave it constantly. To be immersed in another culture, taste something new, and be surrounded by new sights, sounds and smells... It's all so intoxicating. 

With every new place that I have visited, I have also discovered a small part of myself along the way. It doesn't matter if my destination is domestic or international, I love the excitement of anticipation as the plane roars down the runway. You learn more than you ever thought possible about yourself when you let go and let yourself be taught by your surroundings. The best parts of any adventure for me have always been the people I meet and the food that I eat. For me, travel is hope. It's hope for a better tomorrow, broadening horizons and a greater understanding of humanity. It's a way to connect with people and places on level that is simply impossible through film or text. There is a sense of empathy that is found when I see how others live. You may not speak the language, but a warm smile can bridge any divide. 

I have gained a new appreciation for the differences that, in fact, bring us together.

I will have posts from past trips as well as update you all on any future adventures. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like Comfort's Compass on Facebook! I hope you enjoyed this post and will check in for future posts.